Oracle’s Primavera Risk Analysis
Every project has risks.
The organizations that succeed are the ones that plan for those risks—anticipating, mitigating, and providing response and contingency plans for negative events that may or may not occur.
Oracle’s Primavera Risk Analysis software provides the tools for doing just this, enabling companies to model risks and analyze the cost and schedule impacts of mitigating them and, in the process, taking much of the uncertainty out of project and portfolio management.
Analyzing, Mitigating & Managing Risk
By integrating directly with project schedules as well as cost estimates to model risks and uncertainty, Primavera Risk Analysis provides a full-lifecycle cost and schedule risk analytics solution for the Primavera project portfolio management applications and Microsoft Project.
Providing quick and easy techniques for determining contingency and risk response plans as well as a comprehensive means of reporting project confidence levels, Primavera Risk Analysis risk-loads projects through risk registers and risk templates before using Monte Carlo simulation to analyze them. It then provides a variety of reports, such as risk histograms, tornados, and scatter plots, that enable users to easily identify risk drivers before (optionally) publishing the resulting risk-adjusted schedules back into the schedule.
Providing an Objective View for Effective Assessment
As a decision support tool for determining confidence levels regarding project costs and schedules, Primavera Risk Analysis delivers an objective view of required contingencies and an analysis of the effectiveness of proposed risk response plans.
These combine to form the basis of a risk-adjusted schedule—now a standard part of the planning and scheduling process.
• Integrate directly with project schedules and costs
• Provide a comprehensive means of reporting project confidence levels
• Produce risk analysis reports in a variety of formats
• Provide techniques for determining contingency and risk response plans
• Risk Analysis Guide
• Schedule Check
• Templated Quick Risk
• Risk Register Wizard
• Risk Register
• Risk Analysis
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