Bombardier - How the Acumen Fuse solution improves efficiencies and tracks performance on large scale projects
Working on large rail modernization project schedules frequently involves inherent complexities, including contributions from multiple planners, a growing number of activities, and increasingly complex logic. To assist on such projects, Bombardier Transportation’s Rail Control Solutions (RCS) Division chose the metric
assessment, project comparison, and reporting capabilities of Acumen Fuse®, which provides for effective control of the project plan to ensure the best path to project success.
Bombardier understands the importance of implementing scheduling best practices and standards to ensure their planners and schedulers build a schedule of sound quality. However, as projects have grown in size and scope the process of evaluating frequent schedule updates has become increasingly time consuming and difficult to manage.
Therefore a solution was needed to improve efficiency and track performance on larger scale projects. With its ease of use, customization, reporting and automated schedule quality assessment, the decision to go with Acumen Fuse was simple.
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